Sunday, August 8, 2010

Handmade Birthday Invitations

(i posted this tutorial back in March on my other blog but it thought it was worth repeating, such an easy and cute invitation!)

I made some birthday invitations for aiyden's 2nd birthday. they were really easy and cute so i thought i would post a little tutorial.
Supplies needed are the invite printed on photo paper ( i made mine in photoshop), foam sticky dots, craft paper, ribbon, scissors, and a hole puncher.

i got double sided 12x12 craft paper and cut it into 6x12 strips. this one had a cute animal print on the outside and polka dots inside, usually about $.69 from the craft store. put four foam dots in each corner of the back of your photo

stick it fairly center on the craft paper ( the foam dots add a nice bit of dimension but photo squares would work just as well)

fold each side in, they should overlap. (my photo was 4.5in x5.5 in which works well)

punch a whole in the bottom and top of both flaps and tie together with ribbon

and that's it! a cute, inexpensive, and unique invite!!


  1. I used a very similar idea to make my friends' daughters too!

  2. so cute! I saw your comment on my other blog back in march, I'm glad you were able to make them for her!
