I always wonder about people's crafting space. Do you have a designated space? When I started Bubby's we were living in San Francisco at the time and didn't have a big place, so every night I would haul out my sewing machine and supplies and sew on the dining room table. Then I had to get it all put away by the time Aiyden woke up in the morning. I'm lucky now to have my own room, of course, that means we don't have a guest room but hey, our couch is extremely comfortable! So, here it is, my sewing room (it usually isn't this clean, I reorganized this morning and took the opportunity to take some pics!)
My sewing machine and serger sit opposite of each other on an Ikea expedit unit with the desk extention. It works out great but I really want to get a chair on wheels.
My cutting table is huge but I love it. Most of the time it's full of unfinished projects but every once in a while it gets cleared off. I made the needle and thread wall decal from black contact paper.
I have one little bookshelf that has all my fabric crammed into it. I had to take the closet door off because I put a dresser in there and need to open the drawers. I made the curtain from some scrap upholstery fabric and freezer stenciled a flower vine, which you can't see too well in this picture.
And that's it. My little room. I have a list of things I want to get for it. Like this ironing board cover from Barefoot Lake, and this chair and curtain panels from Ikea, but for now, it serves its purpose.
In other news, the quilt is coming along. All the appliques are done and I've started piecing it together.
The piecing is pretty easy. I started with the "a" and "e" blocks. Using a 1/4" seam allowance.
I think most quilters iron the seam allowance to the darker fabric but I prefer to iron my seams open.
Next, I sewed "c" and "f" together and the attached each two block panel to the sides of the big "b" panel. Then I sewed "d" and "g" together and attached that panel.
From there it's just a matter of sewing rows together and attaching them to each other. I think the hardest part is making sure I have the alphabet in the right order!
Until next time!
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